
✧   Teaching at Loughborough University

        ●   TTD106 Autonomous Vehicles, 10 credits, 65% lectures and tutorials, module leader.
        ●   TTD108 Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD), 10 credits, 50% lectures and
              tutorials, module leader (new module developed).
        ●   TTP408 Vehicle System Integration, 20 credits, 35% lectures and tutorials, module leader.
        ●   TTP409 Autonomous Vehicle Systems, 20 credits, 20% lectures and tutorials.

✧   Teaching at Southeast University

        ●   Control Engineering Design and Practice, 32 hours, 35% lectures and tutorials.
        ●   Real-Time Optimization and Advanced Control, 32 hours, 100% lectures and tutorials.
        ●   Complex Systems and Process Control, 32 hours, 50% lectures and tutorials.